Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy
Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy
Reviewed: September 2024
Next review due by: September 2025
Co-op Academy Broadhurst works in partnership with pupils, parents/carers, medical services, other professionals and education providers to enable children and young people with medical needs who are unable to attend school, receive an education in a hospital setting or at home. Our academy will be proactive in promoting the education entitlement of pupils on roll and in securing effective provision.
This applies to pupils unable to attend school for reasons of sickness, injury or mental health needs where a medical practitioner considers that a child should or could not attend school.
This policy is based upon the statutory guidance for Local Authorities ‘Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs’, January 2013. Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs’, January 2013
The principles underlying this policy are:
● The academy recognises that children absent for medical reasons are entitled to continuity of education as far as their condition permits and acknowledges that it has a central role to play in securing and ensuring the continuity of education.
● The education provided shall be of high quality and as broad and balanced as possible so that reintegration is achievable as smoothly as possible.
● Pupils, staff and parents understand what the school is responsible for when this education is being provided by the local authority
Legislation and guidance
This policy reflects the requirements of the Education Act 1996 and is based on guidance provided by our local authority.
This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.
The responsibilities of the academy
Initially, the academy will attempt to make arrangements to deliver suitable education for children with health needs who cannot attend school. If the academy makes arrangements:
- The SENDCo is responsible for making and monitoring these arrangements These arrangements could include remote learning through google classroom, 1:1 home learning sessions and regular reviews of the plan.
- Parents and carers will be consulted about arrangements for home learning and a return to school.
- Reintegration of pupils back into school learning will be made and guided by health professionals but may include phased returns.
If the academy can’t make suitable arrangements, Manchester Local Authority will become responsible for arranging suitable education for these children. When an absence is known to be more than 15 days or exceeds 15 days, then home tuition should be offered to the child. This may be provided via the Manchester Hospital School. If the local authority makes arrangements:
- Work constructively with the local authority, providers, relevant agencies and parents to ensure the best outcomes for the pupil
- Share information with the local authority and relevant health services as required
- Help make sure that the provision offered to the pupil is as effective as possible and that the child can be reintegrated back into school successfully
When reintegration is anticipated, work with the local authority to:
- Plan for consistent provision during and after the period of education outside the academy, allowing the pupil to access the same curriculum and materials that they would have used in school as far as possible
- Enable the pupil to stay in touch with academy life (e.g. through newsletters, emails, invitations to school events or internet links to lessons from their school)
- Create individually tailored reintegration plans for each child returning to school
- Consider whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made
Monitoring arrangements
This policy will be reviewed annually by Gail Hull, SENDCo.
Links to other policies
This policy links to the following policies:
- Accessibility plan
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions
- SEN Policy