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Children who attend 100% are 5 times more likely to work at, or above, the expected standard.

Our whole school attendance target is 96%

Good school attendance gives your child the opportunity to succeed and helps them develop skills for life. Parents and carers should be aware of the need for their child to attend regularly, and on time, to achieve. It is important that parents and carers understand their responsibilities and the consequences of their child having unauthorised absence from school. Missing school damages a students’ learning and attainment, disrupts routines and can prevent a child making and maintaining friendships.


If your child is ill or won’t be able to attend school

Telephone the school as early as possible on the first morning of their absence to give the reason.

0161 681 4288

Requesting absences

“Parents have a legal responsibility for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive a full-time education ‘suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special education needs that they may have either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.”
- Section 7 Education Act 1996.

If your child has an illness or an unavoidable medical appointment, you will need to request an absence from the academy, this will be approved by the Headteacher.

Legally any absence, other than illness or an unavoidable medical appointment can not be authorised. Dentist appointments, unless an emergency, will not be authorised.

We can not authorise holidays in term time and parents taking their child out of school during term time risk a fine per child, per parent from Manchester City Council. 

You can read more about Manchester City Council’s Absence from School policy on their website.