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Subject Details

In this section you can explore our curriculum intent, implementation, impact and long term plans subject by subject. 


We recognise that the skills our pupils learn in English can greatly enhance their skills, knowledge and understanding in other subjects and enable them to make links within and across subjects. 


Our ambition is for every child to develop a secure and deep understanding of the fundamental concepts and procedures of maths which they can use throughout their lives. 


Our Science curriculum is designed to develop all children’s knowledge, vocabulary and understanding about the world they live in. Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding is taught through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 


Our PSHE curriculum is designed to provide our children with the knowledge and skills to support their personal development with relationships, physical and mental well-being and changes as they progress through school.

Physical Education

Our intention is to deliver an exciting and relevant curriculum that covers sports such as: tennis, football, rugby, athletics, gymnastics and dance across all year groups

Forest School

All of our pupils in Reception have weekly Forest School sessions.

Religious Education

Religious Education is a great way for us to explore different cultures, beliefs and faiths. We follow the Manchester Agreed Syllabus.

Global Scholars

Our Year 5 pupils take part in a weekly Global Scholars lesson. Through Global Scholars, students ages 10 to 13 communicate directly in e-classrooms with peers across the globe.


We follow the National Curriculum and have developed our own broad curriculum to deliver insight, creativity and experience (ICE) so that significant gaps in cultural capital can be overcome.


We follow the National Curriculum and have developed our own broad curriculum to deliver insight, creativity and experience (ICE) so that significant gaps in cultural capital can be overcome.


We have developed a curriculum to deliver insight, creativity and experience (ICE).

Modern Foreign Languages

“Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures.”- Department for Education


At Co-op Academy Broadhurst we want children to be passionate about our Art curriculum and understand the value of it.


At Co-op Academy Broadhurst we recognise the importance of music in the curriculum and the right of every child being given the chance to learn a musical instrument.

Design & Technology

We follow the National Curriculum and have developed our own broad curriculum to deliver insight, creativity and experience (ICE) so that significant gaps in cultural capital can be overcome.

Philosophy for Children

P4C, or Philosophy for Children, is an approach to learning and teaching which enhances children’s thinking and communication skills, boosts their self-esteem, and improves their academic attainment.

Early Years Curriculum

Children are equipped with the basic skills needed in order to read, write and explore numbers and number problems.

Careers Related Learning