Join our Nursery
We have full time places available for your child to start at Nursery in September if they are 3 before the 31st August.
Register for a place
Call: 0161 6814288
Or email us:
Our Nursery was judged as Outstanding by Ofsted
Our fabulous indoor and outdoor provision gives all our children the chance to gain all the building blocks needed for starting their school journeys.
Everything we do in Nursery is child led, this means that we follow the children’s interests and allow them to explore the world around them as they go.
All Nursery children have specialist Forest School sessions weekly on Moston Fairway Nature Reserve. Pupils build confidence and creativity through Forest School sessions and they learn new skills through practical activities. We do activities like tree climbing, den-building, foraging and identifying plants and animals.
Children are most engaged when their activities are child initiated and based on current interests. Find out more about our Nursery.
We welcome all parents and carers to visit our Nursery, and hold open events throughout the year.
To apply
Pop in and collect an application form from our school office.
All children are offered a full time Nursery place. If you want a part-time place, please contact us before making your application.
For a tour or any questions, call 0161 6814288 or email us