Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher
Mrs J Gough, Headteacher
A warm welcome to you and your child. We are a small, friendly Primary School in Moston, North Manchester, which offers good quality education to children from Nursery through to Year 6. We are a learning community and as a Unicef Rights Respecting Gold school the children are very much at the heart of everything that we do. Our main aim is to encourage the children to develop a life long love of learning whilst giving them the skills and values to become positive citizens of the future.
At Co-op Academy Broadhurst, we are heartbroken to share the passing of our much-loved Deputy Headteacher, Sharon Smith.
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NEWSLETTER Friday 8th September 2023
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We’ve recently received a “continues to be Good” Ofsted report for our March inspection.
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Pupils of all backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities are guaranteed a warm welcome at this happy and nurturing school. New pupils, including children in the early years, quickly settle in well and soon feel valued members of the Broadhurst family.
Leaders have created a can-do culture where pupils are encouraged to try their best each day. Pupils proudly strive to live up to leaders’ high expectations of them. They work hard and relish the wealth of opportunities that leaders provide. Pupils behave well and play in harmony together.
Members of the school parliament meet regularly with the school’s ‘prime minister’ to organise special events and to support their local community. Mental health leaders help pupils to understand the importance of looking after their emotional well-being. Sports’ ambassadors encourage pupils to keep fit and healthy.
Leaders are proud of their broad, bespoke and ambitious curriculum. They have considered carefully the knowledge and vocabulary that they want pupils to acquire from the beginning of the early years to the end of key stage 2.
Come and look round our Nursery give your child a brilliant start to their education.