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Early Years Foundation Stage

Our children learn through play and exploring the world around them.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage was judged as outstanding by Ofsted at our most recent inspection

Our Foundation Stage teaching is child centred. Children are most engaged when their activities are child initiated and based on current interests. When children show high levels of involvement, progress and development is made and that is when the brain is most active.

What do we do here at Broadhurst

At Co-op Academy Broadhurst we aim to provide motivating first-hand experiences whilst encouraging children to build resilience, ambition and a lifelong love of learning. We believe that warm and positive relationships between staff and children, consistent routines and strong relationships with parents are key. We aim to build on the wealth of knowledge and skills children already have when they arrive and are actively developing relationships with parents and feeder settings through our home visits, stay and play sessions and transition visits. 

We recognise that all children are unique, celebrating and welcoming differences within our school community. We understand that children develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally in an environment which values all cultures, communities and people. Therefore, our curriculum is child centred and we enhance it with the interests and fascinations of the children. Our curriculum is enquiry based and  follows the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early years Foundation Stage 2021. This document specifies the requirements for learning and development in the EYFS and provides the prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum. 

We understand that play is an integral part of learning and this is at the heart of our early years curriculum. We are passionate about children leading and engrossing themselves in their learning. We need to embed a language of learning based on the characteristics of effective learning; ‘Inspiring learning, growing together’, our whole school approach, enables children to understand and talk about their learning experiences using the following words – Challenge, Determination, Being Positive, Taking a Risk, Independence and Effort.

Our outdoor provision

Our fabulous indoor and outdoor provision gives them the chance to gain all the building blocks needed for starting their school journeys.

Information is shared with parents in lots of different ways. We use the secure sharing app Tapestry, an online journal where parents can keep up to date with what their children have been doing. We send out termly newsletters that let you know what’s going on in Nursery and the rest of the school. Parents and carers are also invited in for stay and plays once a term.

Free Nursery Places

If you have a child who is 3 before the 31st August 2020 you are eligible for a full time, free school nursery place.